The Art of Learning Routine
I would like to start this piece with a quote I love:
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
An amazing quote by Benjamin Franklin —
In today’s article, we will be talking about the learning of routine. There are many ways people emphasize routine, but I wanted to talk about it because it has a profound influence on our everyday self.
The main reason people stress the art of routine is because it makes it easier for decision making. And why is decision making important? Because it brings success in many aspects of life. Most of the rich people in the world are rich because of their decision making. Making good decisions can guide you in the right direction of being the person you oh so desire. We know the distinct difference in our lives when we make the right decisions versus making not so good decisions.
Routine helps minimizes overthinking. When you have a specific practice, you already know what to do every day and won’t spend large amounts of time deciding what you have to do today, eat, what you have planned, and many more.
My objective is to motivate my audiences to create a new routine. Even if this isn’t further information, It’s a new year, and sometimes you need a little push. Create your routine personalized by you. You will love waking up every day.
Different Kinds of Routine
Many different types of routines can make a positive impact on your life. It’s easier to create a morning and nightly routine to flow through your day without having to make several decisions. There are more than morning and nightly routines like athletic routine, business routine, Meal routine, and plenty more. The main reason successful people have a system is that it makes life easier when there isn’t several decisions to be made every day. You can savor your thoughts for things that matter, like family, business, and the dreams you’re pursuing.
Types of Routine:
- Daily Routine
- Athletic Hobby Routine
- Money Making Routing
- Saving Routine
- Eating Habits/Routine
Most Important Kinds of Routine
We all know that our morning and evening routine are the ones that matter most because these set the tone for your night and day.
I’ve finally learned the importance of morning and night routines because it is how you begin your day and prepare for the next day. I have a list of Must Do’s in the morning, but I don’t always do it in the same order because I don’t particularly appreciate doing the same thing every day. And that goes for the evening routine also. I stay on track by having a wind-down time to know I have to start doing my non-negotiables.
Some activities in my morning routine are having a teacup and drinking some water, reading, doing some physical activity, whether that’s yoga, at home work out, going to the gym (which I hate), or running. I also practice gratitude and write down five affirmations every day. Looking back on that has helped me develop a growth mindset. Something I would like to add to my routine eventually is meditation. I used to be on meditation heavy; then I fell off somewhere in the mix of my professional life and everyday activity. I also make sure I make my bed every day because that’s my first accomplishment of the day. It gives me the drive to accomplish more throughout the day.
My evening routine looks almost identical to my morning routine. During my wind-down time, I like to have a teacup, take a shower, read a chapter, make my dinner, write down my tasks for the next day, and finish up with housekeeping. Then I have a little bit of time to myself after I do my housekeeping. I use this time to check on my loved ones and talk to my friends.
I think I will add meditating to my evening routine because this could be an act that clarifies my head after a long day of work and whatever I had going on that day.
The Discipline
Having solid routines creates a specific discipline in your head, and it’s the first step to becoming more organized and having control over your life. I feel so enlightened because now that I have direct control over my every day, I feel so much more empowered and able to conquer anything I desire. Being disciplined enough to get things done every day makes it easier to be disciplined in your financial life, love life, and beyond.
In Conclusion
Following daily routines has taught me how to keep going every day. I feel like I have finally seen the light, and I’m able to handle my business. Making sure I’m getting to it. Knowing what I have to do gives me an extra push because if I don’t do it, then there is no excuse for me because I know the steps I should be taking to create success for myself, and if I don’t do these things, I will fall down the hole of self-sabotage. I want more for myself and more for the world, so I’m at it every day.
I hope everyone stays happy, positive, and persistent in their goals, life, and present moments. Stay grounded.